Shared by Loren Hicks | Wednesday, March 17, 2021
1. A thought from me I have been thinking this week about the way Jesus made disciples. While Jesus sometimes taught thousands of people at a time, he spent the majority of his time with 12 guys. Only 12. This strategy doesn't make sense to us. Couldn't Jesus have made a more significant impact if he had discipled 50 or even 100 people? Why spend three years with only 12 men? Jesus understood that discipleship requires relationship. It cannot be accomplished in a large group meeting. By keeping the group small, Jesus had the time to go deep in relationship and in content. The results speak for themselves. With the power of the Holy Spirit, these men launched the church of Jesus Christ, and 2,000 years later, we too benefit from their discipleship. Imagine the impact of your life if you invested in only two people for a year. The following year you would disciple two more people, and those you previously served would each disciple two people. The impact would be exponential. The Jesus way of discipleship works. Let's follow it. "...and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." (Matthew 28:20) "And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable people who will also be qualified to teach others." (2 Timothy 2:2) 2. Quotes from others "Success should be measured not by how many disciples are made, but by how many disciples are making other disciples." - Bill Hull "Jesus gave the command to make disciples to you. And part of being a disciple, in fact, is to disciple. Part of growing in maturity is helping others grow in maturity." - Mark Dever 3. A question to consider Discipleship is not only the task of pastors and ministers. It is the calling for every believer. Who is God calling you to disciple? Let's continue on our journey as followers of Jesus, Loren Hicks Host of The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast Create of The 5 Minute Discipleship Journal P.S. Have you joined The 5 Minute Discipleship Facebook Community?
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About the NewsletterEvery Wednesday the 3 Things newsletter is published. The goal is to inspire and encourage you as a Christ follower. It's short, quick to read, and easy to digest. It includes a thought from Loren Hicks, quotes from others, and a question to consider. |