Note: We are only 20 days away from the launch of The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast! Can't wait to share it with you! I'm not a thrill-seeker, but I do love a good adventure. It doesn't have to be expensive or dramatic. The experience can be as simple as getting lost in a used bookstore or eating at a new restaurant. It can be as fun as exploring a new city on foot or traveling overseas. I enjoy the excitement of something new. Following Jesus is an adventure. When you say "yes" to God, you begin a journey of change, freedom, growth, opportunity, and purpose. Being a Christian is not boring. It's not an empty life. Jesus said in John 10:10, "I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full." Is there a better life than being a follower of Jesus. I think not. Have you ever heard some say they regretted giving their life to Christ? I haven't. On the contrary, I've listened to many who said they wished they hadn't waited so long to surrender their life to Jesus. This adventure includes learning to be like Jesus. It's a call to leave our old, empty lives behind and learn a new way of living. Through the Holy Spirit's power, we begin to live our lives according to the instructions from the Word of God. It's this surrender to His lordship that opens the door for fulfillment and joy.
Here are 12 questions for those who want to step into this adventure:
As you and I answer these challenging questions and continue to follow, the road ahead will be exciting. Jesus does not promise us comfort, security, or even happiness. But he does promise freedom, love, and the all-surpassing joy of knowing him intimately. There is no better life. Enjoy this article? I would be honored if you shared it on social media. Miss last week's article? Check it out here... How Jesus Made Disciples Comments are closed.
Loren HicksLoren is the host of The 5 Minute Discipleship Podcast and the Lead Pastor of Pacific Christian Center in Santa Maria, California. Learn more >>> Subscribe by email and be the first to know about new blog posts, podcast updates, and free discipleship resources.