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In Matthew 5:9 Jesus said, ““Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Whether we have realized it or not, Jesus is calling us as his followers to be peacemakers.”
While the Bible talks about peace hundreds of times, we don’t see a lot of peace today, do we?
Think about it…we have disagreements between family members. We have disagreements with our co-workers. We have disagreements with our friends and neighbors. And though it pains us to admit it, many times we have even had disagreements with our brothers and sisters in Christ. As someone once said, “Where two or three are gathered in Jesus’ name, there will eventually be conflict.”
No one is immune to this. Our sinful nature kicks in and say, “Don’t let people run you over. Win the argument! Come out on top. If someone is rude to you, give it back to them. Don’t get mad - get even!”
Peace makers are people who endeavor to make peace. Peace must be made. It doesn’t happen naturally. It must be actively, intentionally made because it doesn’t happen by chance.
So what is peace? Is peace the absence of any conflict? Is peace tip-toeing around one another so we don’t step on each other’s toes? Is peace complete tolerance? Is peace not having a belief, or an opinion? What is peace?
Definition: Peace in this verse combines two greek words. Together they mean bring about wholeness, to bring all the essential parts together in wholeness.
This definition helps us because we know that conflict fractures things…relationships, marriages, business partnerships, and even nations. But to be a peacemaker is to be one who can bring everyone together in an attempt at wholeness. We would no longer be separate. We would no longer be fractured. We would be whole.
So, how can we be peacemakers?
1. First, you must be at peace with God.
Peace making requires God’s power. Real and lasting peace is impossible to create without God’s help. You can’t make what you don’t have. The only way to have inner peace is to make peace with God through faith in Jesus Christ. In other words, there is no relational peace, until there is personal peace.
2. Help others find peace with God.
While there is much conflict in our world between one another, the greatest need is to reconcile people to God. Remember this: Other organizations exist to solve human problems, but he church exists to solve the greatest problem - the barrier between God and man. Only the gospel can bridge that gap.
Peacemaking is such hard work that it’s easier to say…. “I’m staying out it.” We try and fail and get discouraged, so we give up. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can all work to be peacemakers, and in doing so we are a reflection of God’s character.
Today’s Challenge: Seek to be a peacemaker. Make sure you are at peace with God. And initiate peace with others. Mend a broken relationship. Make the call. Ask for forgiveness. Call someone you haven’t talked to in a long time. Bring an encouraging word. And always point people to the only one who can bring true peace: Jesus Christ
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