Wherever you are listening to this podcast episode, the one thing I know about you, you are going through a transition. Life stops for none of us. Time waits for no man.
Think for a moment about life’s transitions:
- High School to college
- College to career
- Dependent on your parents to becoming independent
- Marriage
- Children
- Career changes
- Moving from apartment to apartment to purchasing a home
- Retirement
- Aging - health transitions
- Passing from this life and transitioning to Heaven
“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)
So what do we do during times of transition? Let me give you a couple of things that have helped me.
1. Listen for God’s voice.
During our times of transition, God speaks. Consider:
- Moses - Expelled from Egypt, he became a shepherd in a wilderness place. It was there God spoke.
- Joseph - Sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, land in an Egyptian dungeon. It was there God spoke.
- Saul of Tarsus - Newly converted to Christ, finds himself secluded away in Arabia. It was there God spoke.
- Apostle John - Exiled to the Island of Patmos, writes the great account of the revelation of Jesus Christ at the end of the age. It was there God spoke.
We desperately need to listen for the voice of God, because other voices are competing. Voices of distraction. Voices of misunderstanding. Voices of fear. Voices of anxiety. Voices of anger.
But there is a still small voice that speaks to our hearts with peace and guidance and He reminds us that everything will be okay because He is with us.
2. Hold onto the promises of God.
In a culture of unfulfilled promises, our God can be trusted. Thousands of promises are found in the pages of the Bible.
“For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God.” (2 Corinthians 1:20)
The promises of God are not “I don’t know” or “maybe so.” The promises of God are “yes” in Jesus Christ. Jesus is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises to us.
While most things in our lives will change there is one thing that is eternal and it never changes.
- God never changes
- His love for us never changes
- His Word never changes
- His faithfulness never changes
The God of yesterday is the God of today, and the God of today is the God of tomorrow.
Today’s Challenge: During our times of transition it’s so easy to be anxious, worried, and afraid. Refuse to give into this temptation. Decide that even though the future is unclear, you will trust the God you know. He has already proven his faithfulness to you, and during this time of transition, he will not fail.
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