“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8)
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As we follow Jesus, he will continually ask us to take steps of faith. Faith is not something that just exists in our hearts. Faith is something to be lived out. It’s to be acted upon. Our obedience in taking these steps to trust God is evidence of the faith we have in him.
Abraham is living first in a place called Ur. I would imagine he has a good life. He’s around 75 years old. He’s family is there. His business is there. At age 75 he’s settled down.
God comes to Abraham and says, “I want you to move.” Where? To the other side of town? A new house?
Verse 8 says, “Abraham went even though he did not know where he was going.”
This is trust. My life is in your hands. Where you lead I will follow. Do you trust God in this way? There are going to be times in your life when your faith in God will require you to go.
- To begin serving in a ministry, even though you don’t feel qualified
- To leave your job for a new one
- To start your own business
- To obey God in a new area of your life
- To leave behind a friendship that is leading you away from God
- To let go of sins and habits that hinder your relationship with God
Abraham’s faith led him to ask, “God what is the next step? If you show me the next step for my life…I will take it.” If Abraham had to know the whole journey, he would have never taken the first step.
Remember what you already know about God! Trust his character. Trust his track record.
Be a person of faith. Be willing to take the next step God shows you.
Today’s Challenge: Embrace the next step of faith God is asking you to take: baptism, commitment, surrender, sacrifice, step out into a ministry, tithing, sharing your faith, going back to school, starting a business. If he leads, you can trust hi. Put feet to your faith.
Discussion Questions: - Do you have a story of taking steps of faith? What happened?
- Do you have a testimony of God's faithfulness in your life?
- What next step is God leading you to take?
Recommended Resource: In a Pit with a Lion, on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson
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