Book: "Stop Dating the Church: Fall in Love with the Family of God" by Sam Harris
The church has a divine creation. Some say, “The church was man’s idea.” No, that’s not biblical. The church was God’s idea.
Scripture - Jesus said in “I will build my church, and the gates of hell will not overcome it.” (Matthew 16:18)
The NT describes the church as:
•The Bride of Christ (loves his bride, gave his life for his bride, is coming back for his bride)
•The Body of Christ (an image we all understand – each part is important)
•Family of God (we belong to each other)
Still with all the teaching we have in the NT concerning the church, there are still many people today who have become disillusioned with the church. For many different reasons, they have given up. They still believe in Jesus and perhaps they are still trying to have a relationship with God, but they have been unable to commit to a local church.
God never intended the church to be an event. Yes we gather for worship, teaching, encouragement, equipping, to serve, etc. But the church is the people of God. You are the church. We don’t go to church, we are the church.
The gathering to worship with other believers is irreplaceable. It cannot be substituted with a great devotional time, a lively bible study with friends, a meditative nature hike, or a live TV church service.
When the church is together for worship and hears God’s Word preached, nourishment and encouragement occur that can’t happen anywhere else. Our corporate worship edifies and strengthens us and glorifies God in ways that nothing else can.
We can’t love Jesus, and not love what he loves. He loves His church.
Today’s challenge: Embrace the local church. Be a part. Be a supporter. Be a champion for it. It’s not perfect, but it is God’s idea.
Discussion Questions:
- Why is being a part of a local church so important?
- Is it okay to date the church, or is it vital to make a commitment?
- Why do many people struggle to make the church an important part of their life?
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