2 Peter 1:3 - “By his divine power, God has given us everything we need for living a godly life. We have received all of this by coming to know him, the one who called us to himself…”
God has given us everything we need. Yes, that’s what the Bible says. And yet, we often live as though we are without. We live without joy, we live without peace, we can live without wisdom, we can live without strength, we can live without hope…and on and on.
Yes, we know that God provides all of these things for us. We run around searching in all the wrong places, hoping to find what we need instead of turning to the Lord who has already provided these resources. They are available. They are at our disposal. Any time and anywhere.
Notice the past tense: “has given us everything we need…” You have all that you need right now to be all God wants you to be. Romans 8:32 says something similar: “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” While you might not have everything you want you already have everything you need.
Peter is writing to encourage a church that was facing persecution. They needed to be reminded of the sufficiency of Christ. Their relationship with God through faith in Jesus opened the door to everything they need. There was no lack, they were simply looking in the wrong direction.
Peter is reminding us to pursue a deeper relationship with Christ. It’s there that we find the riches of God. As we come to know him more we experience all the resources God provides us.
Notice Peter’s words… “by his divine power.” Peter is not talking about resources we can find through human efforts. What’s being offered to us requires divine power. We are so blessed as believers to have the resources of God at our disposal.
Whatever you need today is found in Christ.
Discussion Questions:
- What resources do you often feel you are lacking?
- Why is it we often look everywhere else, but to Christ?
- How does it make you feel to know what we need is provided "by his divine power?"
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